How To Make The Most Of Your Transferable Skills

How To Make The Most Of Your Transferable Skills

How To Make The Most Of Your Transferable Skills

The ONS Labour Market Overview suggested in 2020 that the UK labour market is thriving. That unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in over 50 years. But despite that, and the large number of applications per job, recruiters are struggling to find candidates with the right skills. But what kind of skills are employers looking for?

Hard skills are the more technical skills that a job requires – the specific knowledge and abilities required to do your job. And obviously, they are extremely important. They prove that you can do your job well. 

However, there are some skills, known as soft skills, that are applicable to any position. They include the interpersonal skills and attributes you need to succeed in the workplace and help to maintain a healthy workplace environment. And the best thing about these skills is that they are also known as transferable skills. 

What Are Transferable Skills

Many skills are transferable, which means you can develop them in a learning, work, or social context and use or enhance them in other contexts. They help people to be adaptable and flexible, and to cope with change.

Resilience is frequently cited by employers as an essential quality for candidates to possess – the ability to cope with setbacks and criticism, be motivated to overcome obstacles, and stay calm under pressure. But transferable skills can also include a positive attitude to work, punctuality, verbal communication skills, and the ability to make a professional introduction are all crucial when deciding whether to hire.

At a time when employers are more and more selective and roles are no longer as clearly defined, having transferable skills is just as important as industry related experience. A candidate with a high level of transferable skills is proven to exhibit:

•  improved efficiency and productivity

•  strengthened working relationships

•  a more well-rounded skill set

Although technical and basic skills are required to get past the initial application stage, other aspects such as personal qualities, attitudes, and general aptitudes are then seen as far more critical. At interview, it is assumed that the candidate can do the job. But transferable skills make you a person that people want to work with. And if you’re switching jobs or industries, you’ll need to focus on the skills that are transferable from your old position to the new one.

Where Does EmployIn5 Come In?

We believe that everyone is unique. The perfect candidate is more than just their degree or work experience, it’s the skills they have developed over time, their ability to work within a team and how their personality fits in their chosen working environment. We use a number of different methods, including a personality test in order for candidates to make the most of all their skills. 

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